Logo Vestide - Student housing
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Would you like to register for a place to live in the Haven project on the TU/e campus? From April 26 to May 2, we will advertise the properties on rooms.vestide.nl. you will have 7 days to respond. Below you will find all the information you need.
Register for housing in Haven

When do you qualify?

  • You are registered as a housing seeker with Vestide;

  • You are studying full-time at an educational institution housed on the TU/e campus;

  • You start a full-time study in September 2024 at an educational institution housed on the TU/e campus;

  • You are a PhD student at the TU/e campus.

  • You are a PDeng student on the TU/e campus

What does the enrollment process look like?

1. You respond to the advertisement, indicating the type of housing you want to live in.

2. Based on your response and the allocation requirements, do you qualify for housing in Haven? Then you will receive an e-mail from us. This will state:

a. The confirmation that you qualify for a housing unit.

b. A request to upload the following documents:

  • Your proof of enrollment study 2023-2024 or;

  • Studielink 2024-2025;

  • Printout My Government;

  • Confirmation statement/admission letter. (only for international students).

Please return your documents to us on time. These documents make your registration final. Failure to do so will invalidate your position on the list.

3. Based on the list of valid registrations, we will make the format for the Matching Events. You will be notified no later than <date> when we expect you.

4. At the Matching Event you will get to know your future neighbors and/or roommates and choose your student room, studio or apartment (based on your registration). The goal is for you to find a nice group to become neighbors or roommates with. Your answers to the questionnaire when you register through the ad are used as a starting point for the matching process. Everyone who comes to a Matching Event gets a place to live!

5. The homes will be completed in August 2024. The exact date you get the keys will become clear later in the process.

6. You will receive your rental agreement before you get the key. Check it carefully, and return it signed by the specified deadline.

Good to know

  • A room and studio may be occupied by a maximum of 1 student.

  • An apartment must be occupied by 2 students. At least one of these students must be studying at the TU/e campus. In case the first tenant moves out, the second tenant must also leave the apartment. Takeover of the contract is not possible by the second tenant. The apartments have a dividing wall between the living room and the bedroom. The furnished apartments have a double bed.

  • First year students (starters) have priority on 50% of the rooms in the group houses. This does not apply to the other housing types (studios or apartments).

  • Your rent (bare rent + service costs) depends on the area of your living space. The maximum rents and service charges are listed with the different housing types. Actual costs may be lower when the lease is signed.

  • Rent adjustment is available for students aged 20 to 23 who qualify for a studio.

Register for housing in Haven
Logo Vestide

About us

Opening times

Woonwinkel: working days from 9:00 AM until 5:00 PM

By telephone: working days from 8:00 AM until 5:00 PM. Available 24/7 for emergencies.